Erie High School | Class of 2023

There’s something amazing about trains. They capture the hearts and imaginations of young and old alike. But my story is about just one such person. His name is Noah.
“I’ve loved trains since I was little,” was Noah’s simple and straight forward reply when I asked why he became a volunteer at the Colorado Railroad Museum, in Golden. He was just 12 years old at the time and since volunteers under the age of 16 need to be accompanied by an adult, his mom and dad needed to be onboard as well.
For the past six years, Noah has put in many hours as an usher during the museum’s annual special events; Day Out with Thomas and The Polar Express. Hundreds of enthusiastic visitors arrive to ride on Thomas the Tank Engine, enjoy a theatrical extravaganza and ride aboard a vintage coach pulled by a steam locomotive, and explore the railyard.
The railyard boasts steam and diesel locomotives; passenger and dining cars; a formidable snow plow; freight, tank, and livestock cars; a variety of cabooses, and its very own Roundhouse with narrow and standard gauge rails.
Though this railyard looks a bit dusty to the naked eye, it was the perfect location for Noah’s senior portraits.
Meeting Noah on his turf made for an interesting afternoon. He shared some of his knowledge about the museum as me moved from spot to spot. He also told the funniest stories I’ve ever heard about working as a scarer at Anderson Farms.
Picture this. Its fall. Anderson Farms are hosting their annual Terror in the Corn. There’s Noah, decked out in full costume, lying in wait amongst the corn. For his friend. To scare the living daylights out of her. Needless to say, his patience and cunning were rewarded with a blood curdling scream. I’d say he was rather pleased with himself.
Then there was the story about an unfortunate scarer who got punched in the face. I think he did his job a little too well. Guess where you won’t find me this fall… yup, Terror in the Corn.
Noah, it was a pleasure to meet you! I had the best time capturing these photos that celebrate your years of service at the Colorado Railroad Museum, and your milestone as a senior at Erie High School. I hope you savor each moment, and I wish you all the best for the next year as you head off to study film in Savannah.
Here are a few of my favorite moments from your senior portrait session. Enjoy!
xo, Theresa

Gear used during this Erie senior portrait session: Think Tank Backstory 13, Canon 5D Mark IV, EF 85mm f/1.4L, Canon EF 50mm 1.2L, and a Neewer 5-in-1 collapsible reflector
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